Technical Guide & Troubleshooting

Technical Guide & Troubleshooting
How to Edit a Staff Member's Name
If a staff member has changed their name or a spelling mistake was made, they can easily make amendments to the staff name that displays on StoriiCare...
How to Edit a File Name / Form Entry Title
Go to Forms Open a Form Click on the Filename to open a specific entry 4. Click on the Edit button (right side) 5. Click on the pencil icon to chang...
Register App QR Code Scan
Oops… It looks like you tried to scan a Register QR Code using your device's Camera ! In order for you to sign yourself or a loved one in or out of...
How to Change the Currency in Services
The Services feature automatically pulls your local currency from Business Settings. If this needs to be updated: Go to Business Settings Click on Acc...
How to Reset a Super User's Password
If a Super User forgets their password and needs to reset it, please follow these instructions: Upon typing in an incorrect password, click on the 'Fo...
Scanned a QR Code
Oops… It looks like you tried to scan a Register QR Code using your device's Camera ! This QR code is intended to be scanned upon entry or exit of ...
When StoriiCare is not Loading
If StoriiCare is not loading for you, here are a few steps you can try before contacting StoriiCare Support. Please try refreshing the page using a...
System Keyboard Shortcuts
Press the Ctrl + / keys at the same time on your computer or laptop to show our shortcut keys table guide (as shown below). In order to be able to b...
How to Enable Direct Login Access for Staff
The Direct Login feature is incredibly useful if you have staff members working from home on a permanent or temporary basis, and they are required to ...
Share Progress notes with Connections
Share Progress Notes with Connections If enabled, you can now share Progress Notes with Connections on Storii Family, enabling Connections to stay mor...
How to Add a Profile Picture to a Staff Account
Staff can upload or change their profile photo on StoriiCare at any time. Note: Previously, someone with an All Access Permission Level was able to ch...
How to Change Your Account Email Address
Go to Business Settings from your StoriiCare Dashboard Select Account from the left sidebar menu Enter the new email address you wish to use and y...
How to Reset Your Master Password
Please note: Only the Super User on your account will be able to reset or change the Master Password. Go to Business Settings from your StoriiCare D...
A Guide to Setting up a Storii Family account for a Service User
In order to register for a Storii Family account as a Service User, you will need to have access to a personal email address. Once you've shared yo...
Troubleshooting with StoriiCare
If you open StoriiCare on your usual device and the screen appears blank or has loaded incorrectly, then it is likely that you have been timed out aft...
A Guide to Resetting Your Password
If you want to change your password for security purposes, you can login to StoriiCare and click on your profile image in the corner of your screen Th...
How to Link Contacts to a Service User
First, go to the Contacts section of the service user's profile. ​ To ensure you can select someone from Contacts as a service user's Primary/Secondar...
A Guide to Removing Staff & Service Users
To remove a staff account, you will need to have an 'All Access' permission level.  Make your way to the Staff list in the People tab. Click the orang...
Locking Devices for StoriiCare Use Only (Apple iOS)
At StoriiCare we understand there is a need to lock devices within care environments to specific web-pages or apps.  Below you will learn how to lock ...
How to Change a Super User
Only the existing Super User can designate someone else as a Super User.  If you are the current Super User, you may hand over this status by doing th...
A Guide to Adding a Family Portal Button to Your Website
We recommend sending this document to your web-developer Setting up the Family Portal button is quick and easy with these two steps: Install StoriiCar...
How to Delete Overdue Tasks
To ensure that the Tasks feature is running efficiently it is important to prevent overdue tasks from building up over time. Open up the Tasks feat...