Configuring Staff Noticeboard Settings


Staff Noticeboard Settings

Click on the wheel/cog icon at the top of the page to change the settings.


Switch the toggles OFF and ON as you see fit:

  • Service User tagging: Do you want staff to be able to tag Service Users in notes they post?

  • 'Read by' Staff: Do you want staff to be prompted to mark a note as ‘read’?

  • Note Flagging: Do you want staff to be able to flag a note as important?

  • Note Tagging: Do you want to enable ‘tags’ to be applied to notes (if turned on, tags can be created and managed in the section below)?

  • Time Started: Do you want the notes to have a start times?

  • Time Ended: Do you want the notes to have end times?

  • Require Times: Do you want to make it so that adding start and end times is a requirement for notes?

  • Allow Future Dates & Times: Do you want staff to be able to enter dates and times in the future when adding notes?

  • Prefill Date and Time: Do you want to make it so that the note pre-fills with the current date and time when posting?

Note Type Tags

Create tags to be used with Staff Notices. (Example tags: Reminders, Policy Updates, New Staff & Service Users, Meetings, Trainings)

  • Add tags you would use by clicking the + sign.

  • Give the tag a title.

  • Click the green disc icon to save it.

  • Change the color of the tag by clicking on the color rectangle next to the tag title.