Configuring Progress Notes Settings


Progress Notes Settings

Click on the wheel/cog icon at the top of the page to change the settings.


Toggle the switch next to each line item on/off as you see fit:

  • Service User tagging: Do you want staff to be able to tag Service Users in notes they post?

  • Require Service User tagging: Do you want staff to be required to tag a service user anytime they create a note?

  • ‘Read by’ Staff: Do you want staff to be prompted to mark a note as ‘read’?

  • Note flagging: Do you want staff to be able to flag a note as important?

  • Note tagging: Do you want to enable ‘tags’ to be applied to notes (if turned on, tags can be created and managed in the section below)?

  • Share with Connections: Do you want staff to have the option to share an individual note with a service user’s Connections (family members)?

  • Start Time: Do you want the notes to have a start times?

  • End Time: Do you want the notes to have end times?

  • Require Start & End Times: Do you want to make it so that adding start and end times is a requirement for notes?

  • Allow Future Dates & Times: Do you want staff to be able to enter dates and times in the future when adding notes?

  • Pre-fill Date & Time: Do you want to make it so that the note pre-fills with the current date and time when posting?

Note Type Name

By default, this feature is called Progress Notes, but you can change it to whatever is relevant for your business (Example: Daily Notes, Clinical Notes, Shift Log, etc.)

Note Type Tags

Create tags to be used with Progress Notes. Tags could be for codes, communication types, levels of support, etc.

  • Add tags you would use by clicking the + sign.

  • Give the tag a title.

  • Click the green disc icon to save it.

  • Change the color of the tag by clicking on the color rectangle next to the tag title.