Photo Guessing Game


Wedding Photo Guessing Game

This is a fun one to do around Valentine's Day or in June (bridal season!). If someone was never married, would they have a photo with a significant other from a school dance or a special occasion?


  1. Collect photos from service users (or their families) and staff. Ask everyone to scan and email copies to the Activity Coordinator.

  2. Print photos off and designate each one with a number.

  3. Display photos as a 'Sweetheart Tree'. Glue scanned photos onto big paper hearts and hang them on a tree with lights or on a wall/bulletin board.

  4. Have paper, writing utensils, and an envelope nearby so people can submit their guesses. Make sure they write their name on it!

  5. Have a token prize for the person who guesses the most correctly.

School Photo Guessing Game

This is a fun one to do in August/September when the school year begins.


  1. Collect photos from service users (or their families) and staff. Ask everyone to scan and email copies to the Activity Coordinator.

  2. Print photos off and designate a number to each.

  3. Create an 'Old School Class Photo' and line everyone's photos up displayed like yearbook photos.

  4. Have paper, writing utensils, and an envelope nearby so people can submit their guesses. Make sure they write their name on it!

  5. Have a token prize for the person who guesses the most correctly.

Baby Photo Guessing Game

The previous instructions can be followed, but the example below offers an option to drag the game out a bit.


  1. Collect photos from service users (or their families) and staff. Ask everyone to scan and email copies to the Activity Coordinator.

  2. Print photos off.

  3. Create a 'Who's This?' display spot.

  4. Display one photo at a time, leaving each up for a few days.

  5. Have a stationery sheet of paper and pen nearby where people can write down their name/initials and their guess.

  6. Have a token prize for the person who guesses the correct answer first.