Multi-Cultural Show & Tell

  1. Have your service users do some research into the cultural group (this could be a nation, ethnic group, religion, sexuality, gender role, generation) that they identify with. They may or may not require support with this and it may be good to make family members aware of this upcoming activity so they could help, too.

  2. Ask each service user to bring one item or fact related to his or her cultural background. It might relate to a country of origin or special customs and traditions they observe.

  3. Ask service users to teach other participants one thing related to the item (i.e. how it is used or made, why it is important to them, etc.)

  4. Have a discussion afterward. Some conversation topics could include:

  • What does cultural identity mean to you?

  • Why is it important to learn about other cultures?

  • Have you ever been treated poorly because of your ethnicity, sexual orientation or beliefs? Are there any experiences you want to share?

  • How can we do a great job of celebrating and supporting the different cultures represented in this group?