A Guide to Using Care Overview


Care Overview functions like a face sheet or care record. The fields in this feature are fully customizable enabling each care setting to build out a template of any and all admin information they'd like to store against a Service User.

The following Care Overview fields auto-populate based on what is stored in other places in the system:

  • Assessment Scores

  • Active Medication

  • Medical Conditions

  • Preferred Activities

  • Measurements (e.g. Height, Weight, Temperature, etc.)

Everything else can be managed in Care Overview's Settings.

How do I edit the Care Overview template?

  1. Go to the Care Overview on any Service User's profile. The changes you make on one Service User's profile will be reflected across the system, so it doesn't matter which profile you choose.

  2. Click on the Settings cog/wheel at the top of the Care Overview Page. If you don't see this, it probably has to do with your Permission Level (see a manager about this).

  3. This will bring up the following page view:

4. From here, you can:

  • Type in the 'Filter field names' search bar to find a specific field you want to make edits to.

  • Click on the red trash bin icon to delete a field.

  • Click on any of the +Add Field text to create a new field in a desired location.

  • Select the ^ and v arrows surrounding the location number to move or re-order a field

  • Change the Field Name by clicking on it

You can also make changes to the field type and toggles, which we will cover next.

Care Overview Field Types

Clicking on Field Type will present you with a drop-down menu of options. Available types include:

TEXT: Basic text entry

NUMBER: A numeric entry (no letters or grammatical symbols can be entered)

RICH TEXT: This allows you to upload photos & videos, attach files, insert links, enter tables, and use basic rich text elements like bold, underline, italics, etc.

OPTIONS: Create a list of options for staff to select from. Indicate whether they can choose a single option or multiple options. Presets are available for fields like 'Race', 'Religion', 'Gender'. Clicking on the paint bucket icon will enable you to select custom colors for each option.

USER SELECT: This allows you to select someone from your Service User and/or Staff list. This could be used for a field like 'Case Worker' or 'Room Mate'.

CONTACT: This allows you to select someone from your Contacts list. Ideal for fields like 'Emergency Contact' or 'Doctor'.

ADDRESS: This allows you to input multiple lines for formatting an address field.

DATE/TIME: With this, you can choose to include a Date, Time, and/or Recurrance. This field option would be ideal for including something like a Care Plan Review Date (i.e. 10/06/2022; 10:00 AM; Semi-Annually).

LINKED: Linked fields on Care Overview will pull data from other areas across StoriiCare, such as Measurements.

Care Overview Toggles

HIDE IF EMPTY: Turning this on will reduce any unpopulated fields that, whilst may still be important for other Service Users, may not be relevant for a specific Service User. This makes a Care Overview compact and easy to read, no matter which Service User you are working with.

CLICK TO REVEAL: This option is great sensitive data that should not be automatically shown on the screen without clicking directly on that field (i.e. Social Security Number)

SHOW IN ANALYTICS: Turning this on for a field will allow you to view analytics for all that field data in the Analytics section of StoriiCare. This means you generate reports and gain insight on virtually any custom data point you want.

How do I edit a field in Care Overview?

To make changes to a Care Overview, hover over the field you want to add. You will see a pencil icon appear. Click on the pencil icon to make changes to that field's answer.

How do I print Care Overview?

There are two places you can go to print or export a Care Overview.

  1. The Exports feature on the main Dashboard

  2. The Care Overview section of a Service User's profile (there is an Export button in the top, right-hand corner)

Under Fields to print, you can pick and choose:

  • Which fields to export data for

  • Whether you want to print a CSV or a PDF

  • Whether you want to print off that data for ALL Service Users or an individual