A Guide to Using Care & Support Plans


Custom terminology can be applied to StoriiCare, but whether it is listed as Care Plan, Support Plan, Plan of Care, etc. you can access this information from each Service User profile. 

StoriiCare has a default Care Plan template. This can be edited and customized in Business Settings. You are able to create your own Care / Support Plan template for each service location, but it will be applied to all Service Users within that service.

How to Add to a Care Plan / Support Plan

Each Care & Support Plan category has four parts by default, which we will go over.

IMPORTANT: Since templates can be customized, these sections may not appear for you if they've been disabled OR they may be titled something else.


This can be added/changed by clicking the Edit button next to it.

Care / Support Plan

Items can be added by clicking the Add button.

Existing Support Plans can be edited or deleted by clicking into a support plan and selecting the Settings cog/wheel.


If support plans need to be archived because they are no longer applicable or relevant, you may wish to 'Mark as Historical'. Historical items can be viewed by clicking + Show Historical. Items can be added here by clicking on a Support Plan then selecting the Settings Cog/Wheel and clicking Mark as Historical.


Updates to the Care & Support Plans can be added to the rich text box provided at the bottom of each category. They can then be revised by clicking the orange Edit text in the bottom, right-hand corner.

How to View & Print a Care Plan / Support Plan

  1. Go to a Service User's profile

  2. Click on Care / Support Plan

  3. Select the View/Print Summary button in the top right

  4. Click Print

  5. If you want to include historical support needs in your print, click on the orange Settings Cog and tick the Include historical box prior to printing

How do I Edit the Care Plan / Support Plan Template?

Please read our Help Article for this.