A Guide to Using Care Circle


CareCircle can be accessed from a Service User's dashboard and the 'Care' tab on their profile.

What can Connections do? 

Within CareCircle, you can add relatives and friends who want to be connected to their loved one through StoriiCare. 

Connections will only be able to use and see:

  • Media

  • Places

  • Playlists

  • Participation

  • Activity Calendar

  • Messaging

  • Connections

Once they create a Storii account, their profile will look something like this:

Connections using Storii can:

  • Upload media to their loved one's profile 

  • View and comment (if commenting is enabled) on photos you have uploaded to their loved one's account by your staff

  •  Create Playlists for their loved one to listen to

  • Save Places to their loved one's profile

  • Message their loved one or care staff using the Messaging feature (if enabled)

  • View your facility's Activity Calendar and sign up to events (if enabled)

  • See which activities their loved one has participated in and read any individual notes left by staff

How to Add Connections

In order for a family member or friend to create a Storii account, the service provider has to send them an invitation. 

To do this, you can go to the Service User's CareCircle and click where it says 'Connections'

From here, you will need to enter their email address or mobile phone number (must be a smartphone). 

The family member or friend will then receive a text message or email containing a link and instructions for signing up for a Storii account. They can do this online. They can also download the 'Storii Family App' from the App Store or Google Play Store using their tablet or smart phone.

If you're looking to increase Connections for your facility, here is a wonderful resource full of instructions, promotional flyers, email templates, etc. 

CareCircle: Managers

From CareCircle, you can also assign specific members of staff as a 'Key Worker' for that Service User.