A Guide to Using Community Announcements


If you have Service Users and/or their Connections using Storii, they will be able to log in to their profile and view your Community Announcements in their Recent Updates Feed.

Community Announcements makes it easy to mass-communicate important changes, notices, upcoming events, etc. with your Service Users' loved ones.

How to Create a Community Announcement

  1. Go to Community Announcements from the Dashboard

  2. Type your announcement in the text box (please note you have a variety of rich-text options if you wish to create lists, tables, use red or blue text, hyperlink, etc.)

  3. Hit Save when done

How to Edit or Delete a Community Announcement

  1. Click on Community Announcements from the Dashboard

  2. Click the orange Edit text on the announcement you want to make changes to

  3. Make edits and hit Save OR Delete if you wish to remove the announcement entirely

How to View Your Community Announcement 'Likes'

If you look in the bottom, left-hand corner of a Community Announcement you might see a little heart with 'Liked by 2 others' next to it. If you click on that text, you'll be able to see which Connections liked your post.

Community Announcement Settings

  1. Click on Community Announcements from the Dashboard

  2. Click on the orange settings cog at the top

  3. Enable note flagging or change time logged (these are the only two settings that can be enabled/disabled for this section)