A Guide to Using the Register


About the Register

The Register can capture actual attendance data for service users, staff, and visitors attending your center.

For staff and service users, unique PIN codes and QR codes can be set if you do not wish to use the standard sign-in and sign-out process.

The Storii Register App is available in the Google Play Store and App Store to download onto your mobile or tablet device. It is also accessible at register.storii.com.

For more information on how to use the Register App and various sign-in/out methods, see this article.

From this Register, logs can be viewed and edited, emailed, and exported. You can also create Register tags for organizational purposes. Carry on reading below to find out more.

How to Use the Register for Signing In and Out

  • Click on Register from the Dashboard

  • Select which Register you want to view (i.e. Participants, Staff, or Visitors)

  • Click Sign In next to a user's nameĀ 

  • If needed, make amendments to the Date and time (this can be done later by editing the register log)

  • Select Tags (if applicable)

  • Have the user add a Signature using the digital keypad (optional)

  • Click Sign in

  • When the user is leaving for the day, follow the same steps to Sign out

How to Edit or Delete Attendance on the Register

  • Click on Register from the Dashboard

  • Click the View Logs button (top, right-hand corner)

  • Find the attendance log you wish to edit and click on it

  • Click where it says Edit sign in / Edit sign out / Delete log to make changes

Marking a Service User as Absent

To mark a Service User as absent, simply select the 'Absent' button to the left of the 'Sign in' button. Users are able to mark Service Users as absent in bulk where required on the following confirmation page. If a Service User does arrive later in the day, the individual can be signed in as normal and the absence log will end upon sign in. All attendance and absence logs are visible inside the Register Log view - (Absences are identified with red "Absent" text).

We have also updated our real-time Register metrics to display:

  • The number of users present

  • The number of users scheduled for the day

  • The number of users absent

  • The number of users signed out today

If any absences are recorded in error, they can be edited the same way attendance logs are edited via the Register Log View (shown below).

How to Create Register Tags

Tags can be applied to staff and service users upon sign-in.

To create tags:

  • Click on Register from the Dashboard

  • Click on the cog wheel icon at the top of the screen

  • Click on the + mark to add a new tag

  • Give the tag a name

  • Select a color for the tag

  • Click the green disc icon to save your work

How to Use Register Tags

Register tags can provide staff and management with quick, organizational reference when viewing the Register. Many of our clients create tags for types of service (i.e.AM attendance, PM attendance, transportation user, health services, etc.)

Tags can be applied to staff and service users upon sign-in. Simply select the tags you wish to use from the dedicated dropdown menu when signing in a user. Multiple tags can be selected.

Once the user is signed in, you will see the tags displayed under their name like this:

You can also filter by Register tags when using the Attendance Table Export.

How to Print an Active Register

You may print an active register of those who are currently signed in at any time.

  • Click on Register from the Dashboard

  • Select the Register button located on the left-hand side

  • Print or download a PDF from the print screen that appears in a new window

How to Export Register Logs

  • Click on Register from the Dashboard

  • Select the View Logs button in the top, right-hand corner of the screen

  • Click the Export button on the left-hand side of the screen

  • Select Register Logs if you only want to print Register data

  • Select Attendance Table if you wish to print the Register data where it calculates services for billing purposes or alongside any other data (i.e. Schedules, Staff Rota, etc.). See more on Attendance Table exports here.

How to Email Your Register Logs

You can schedule Register logs to be emailed to a recipient of your choice at a regularly recurring interval or make it a one-off occurrence.

  • Click on Register from the Dashboard

  • Select the View Logs button in the top, right-hand corner of the screen

  • Then click the Email to button on the right-hand side

  • Enter the email address, name, frequency, and time of email delivery in the Set up new email section

  • Click Save to finish

Monthly Attendance / Absence Report (PDF)

This powerful report consolidates all attendance and absence data into a single, easy-to-read document, providing care providers with a holistic view of attendance. The PDF report displays all days within any given month and displays a '1' for that day if a Service User attends. If they are marked as absent, the report will display a red 'A' for that day and it will not be included in the final "Total" column.

This Monthly Attendance / Absence Report can be found under the Register Logs Export View (Go to Exports > Register Logs > Monthly Attendance / Absence (PDF) as shown below)

How to Setup QR Codes and PIN Codes

  • Click on Register from Dashboard

  • Click the Access button in the top, right-hand corner of the screen

  • Click an individual's QR Code or "Lock" icon to set their current QR code or PIN code

  • Click on the circular arrows to generate a PIN or QR code

  • You can then print the QR code directly by clicking on the printer icon

You can learn more about how PIN Codes and QR Codes can be used in our Register App Article.

If you'd like to set one of these methods to appear as the Default in the Register App:

  • Open the Register feature on StoriiCare

  • Click on the settings wheel icon

  • Select the 'Participants', 'Staff', and/or 'Visitors' tab and then make your selection using the provided drop-down menu