How to Edit the Care & Support Plan Template


At StoriiCare, we aim to make your transition to digital care planning as smooth as possible by giving you a high level of customization within our system.

StoriiCare digital care and support plans are modular. This means that you can add, remove and arrange categories and sections within those categories to match or improve upon your current structure. 

Businesses can apply custom terminology here, so Care Plan may appear as Support Plan, Plan of Care, or something else on your account.

Start by going to a Service User's profile and clicking on the Care Plan section.

You will see default categories for Care Plans / Support Plans. 

We would advise that when building your template, look at these areas and assess whether they fit into your current care plan structure. If there are major differences, you may wish to add or remove some sections and/or move these around to suit your care community best. To do this you must adjust your care plan template in Business Settings (terminology may be different depending on what is set up for your care community).

IMPORTANT NOTE: To customize the care plan template from Business Settings you must have the appropriate Permission Level on StoriiCare (see a manager for this).

How to Customize Your Care Plan / Support Plan

To access the Care Plan template builder, visit the Business Settings section on your sidebar menu. Once inside Business Settings, you must click on the Care / Support Plan option on the left-hand side.

Changes made within this section will reflect on ALL Care Plans / Support Plans within your care setting, so once updated this will apply to all Service Users.

Editing Care Plan / Support Plan Categories

Any of the categories and their descriptions can be removed, re-named, or re-arranged. You can also add new ones.

How to Remove a Care Support Plan Category
To remove a section simply press on the bin/trash can icon on the right-hand side.

How to Rename a Care Support Plan Category
To rename, click on the current name and overwrite what is there. You must remember to click save at the bottom right to save any changes. 

How to Reorder Care Support Plan Categories
To move a category up or down by 1 space in the care plan template order, click on a single arrow and to move it right to the top/bottom, click on the double arrow. 

How to Add Categories to a Care Support Plan
You can add entirely new categories by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on the ‘+’ button as shown below. 

You will then be shown a new category with an empty title. Add your title, description, and change by following the same steps as above. 

Once you have completed your new category remember to click the 'save' button at the bottom of the screen.

How to Change the Icon Image on a Care Support Plan Category
You can also change icon pictures if you wish by clicking on the image within the dotted lines and selecting a new icon from the options provided.

How to Preview Changes
You can preview what your Care Support Plan template will will look like by clicking the ‘Show Preview’ button at the bottom of the screen.

How to Edit Care Plan / Support Plan Sections

Each category of the Care Plan / Support Plan will have a settings wheel/cog located next to the trash bin icon. Clicking on this will open up these details:

Within this area, you can:

  • Disable the notes section, historical (archived) items section, and/or Summary by unchecking the designated boxes.

  • Add new sections

  • Make a section required

  • Choose the type of section it is (text, date, divider, or outcome selector - links in any existing outcomes related to that support need).