A Guide to Using Measurements / Vital Signs


How to Add & Edit Measurements

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How to Use Measurements

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Update: You are now able to include additional information when entering a measurement/vital sign on StoriiCare.

Users will see a new 'Description' column within the measurements feature.

Measurement Description Column

In order to have data accessible via the description dropdown, an administrator must first setup the dropdown options within measurement settings. A new 'Description' field within a measurement setting will let you select StoriiCare lists.

Measurements description setup

The available dropdowns are linked to the 'lists' feature, syncing with other available dropdowns on StoriiCare Forms or the Overview.

List selection/editing within Measurements

Multiple lists can be selected to be shown in the dropdown, and multiple descriptions can be selected when entering a measurement.

Use cases include:

  • Recording type of fluid when entering fluid intake - e.g. Water, Coffee, Tea, Orange Juice

  • Recording food type when entering calorie intake - e.g. Sandwich, Lasagne, Pizza

  • Recording a reason when entering a hospital admission - e.g. Fall, Chest pain, Urinary Infection