A Guide to Using Subtasks


About Subtasks

Subtasks enable multiple tasks to be scheduled within one main task for completion. Subtask lists can also be saved as a template to be re-used on future tasks.

Use cases include:

  • Setting intake/onboarding subtasks when a new Service User is added (e.g. 4 Assessments and a Care Plan to be completed)

  • Creating a multi-process task such as 'PM Routine', which may require multiple tasks to be completed (e.g. showering, brushing teeth, toileting, putting on pajamas)

If certain actions are set within a subtask list (i.e. take blood pressure), staff will be able to click on the action directly from the task view and enter the required data from the same page.

Once subtasks are set up, they can be marked as complete by clicking the checkbox next to each subtask within the standard task view.

A percentage completion bar will display, showing up-to-date progress of subtask completion.

How to Create a Subtask List

  1. When scheduling a new task (or editing an existing one), click 'Add Subtasks'

  2. Set a description (optional)

  3. Set an action (optional - This links to other features on StoriiCare)

    1. This could be to Log a Measurement/Vital Sign (i.e. Take blood pressure)

    2. This could be to Fill in a Form (i.e. Waterlow Assessment)

    3. This could be to Review a Care Plan

  1. You can customise subtasks in the Tasks feature with the following options:

  • Display or hide the progress bar.

  • Choose if the main task should be marked as completed upon subtasks completion.

  • Set whether subtasks should be marked as completed if the main task is marked as completed.

  1. You can also link actions on the platform to the subtasks.

How to Save a Subtask List

Subtask lists can be saved as Templates, which can then be loaded in the future to be used in other tasks.

  1. Give your Subtask list a title

  2. Click the three dots next to the title

  3. Click 'Save as template'

How to Use or Edit a Saved Subtask List

If you've saved a Subtask list as a template, you'll be able to use it again when scheduling new tasks.

  1. Open your task and click 'Add Subtasks' or 'Edit Subtasks'

  2. Click the three dots next to the Subtask title field

  3. Click 'Load a template'

  4. From here, select which template you'd like to insert

  5. If you want to make changes to the template, you can do that now

  6. Save the changes you've made

(Load a template view)