Form Entries


Upon selecting a Form to complete, you will be presented with a table view of all Form Entries for that form type. This will include all forms that have previously been submitted for your business. Forms with a 'globe' icon to the left of the Filename have been completed externally via a URL or QR code, whilst forms with a 'document' icon have been completed from within StoriiCare.

The ID# of a form entry will be displayed in the first column - this number spans all form types across a business and is not specific to one form type. All columns can be sorted and forms can be filtered using the search feature in the top left of the view. The actions column enables users to view a PDF of the form entry without accessing the document store, duplicate a form entry with one click or delete a form by selecting the red trash can icon.

Selecting a Form Entry Filename will enable you to view the completed form entry, with the ability to edit it to make any changes by selecting the 'Edit' button on the top right hand corner. The top of the form entry will state who completed the form and which Service User it was completed for (if applicable).